- Hindered: to cause delay, interruption
- Affable: easy to approach, friendly
- Aforementioned: mentioned previously
- Suffice: to be enough; adequate
- Genially: warmly and pleasently cheerful; cordial
- Bluster: to be loud, noisy or swaggering; utter loud, empty menaces or protests
- Malicious: vicious, wanton, or mischievious in motivation or purpose
- Abhorrence: something or someone extremely repungnant or loathsome
- Veracity: habitual observance of truth in speech, statement; truthfulness
Part 1 (p. 19-80)
- Atrocious: extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel or brutal
- Intervals: a space between things, point, limits
- Accumulated: to gather or collect
- Deciphered: to discover the meaning of anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand
- Incense: the perfume or smoke arising from such a substance when burned
- Minder: foster child
- Auspicious: promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable
- Commenced: to begin; start
- Raucous: rowdy; disorderly
- Dutiful: performing the duties expected or required of one; characterized by doing one's duty
- Summation: the act or process of summing
- Scrutinized: to examine in detail with careful or critical attention
- Berating: to scold; rebuke
- Staunch: characterized by firmness, steadfastness or loyalty
- Audacious: extremely bold or daring, recklessly brave; fearless
- Nefarious: extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous
- Leering: a sly look
- Lacerated: pained; wounded; tortured
- Infamy: extremely bad reputation as the result of a shameful, criminal or outrageous act
- Touted: to solicit business, employment, votes
- Relinquished: to renounce or surrender
- Elated: very happy or proud
- Flippant: frivolously disrespectful, shallow or lacking in seriousness
- Apprehend: to take into custody; arrest by legal warrant or authority
- Crux: something that torments by its puzzling nature
- Overzealous: overly full of, characterized by or due to zeal
- Anti-Semitism: discrimination against Jews
- Collimate: to bring into line; make parallel
- Ire: intense anger; wrath
- Succumbing: to give way to superior force
- Trotted: to go at a quick steady pace
- Fervent: having or showing great warmth or intensity or spirit
- Admonish: to caution, advise or counsel against something
- Cowardice: lack of courage to face danger
- Disperse: to drive or send off into various directions
- Miraculousy: performed by or involving supernatural power
- Consummate: to bring to a state of perfection
- Creed: any system, doctrine, or formula of religious belief
- Culpability: guilt or blame that is deserved
- Jocular: intended to be joking
- Sufficiently: adequate for the purpose; enough
- Revelation: the act of revealing or disclosure
- Vicious: spiteful, malicious
- Absurdities: something absurd
- Mangnitude: size; extent; dimensions
- Oblivious: forgetful; without memory
- Loitering: to linger aimlessly
- Steadfastness: fixed in direction
- Promptly: quick or alert
- Pfennig: formerly a minor coin and monetary unit of East Germany
- Havoc: great destruction or devestation
- Reefed: to reduce the length
- Appalled: to fill or overcome in horror
- Vicinity: the area or region near or around a place
- Fathom: to penetrate the truth of; comprehend
- Affront: a personally offensive act or word
- Maligant: very dangerous or harmful
- Gangly: tall, lanky, awkward in movement
- Vigorously: strong active
- Bout: a contest of trial of strength; boxing
- Trounced: to beat severely
- Vitality: exurberant physcial strength or mental vigor
- Apprehension: anticipation or adversity
- Obscenity: indecency, lewdness
- Inconspicuously: noticeable; prominent
- Grotesquerie: Disgusting
- Ruthless: without pity or compassion
- Preemptively: possessing the power; privledged
- Machinations: crafty schemes, plots
- Perplex: to make complicated or confused
- Sorrow: distress caused by loss
- Simultaneously: existing or occuring at the same time
- Malice: desire to inflict injury or harm
- Envisaged: to contemplate; visualize
- Ensued: to follow in order
- Methodically: especially slow
- Unwavering: to feel or show doubt
- Incessantly: continuing without interruption
- Adamant: too hard to cut
- Predominantly: power; authority; influence over others
- Incredulous: indicating or showing disbelief
- Serpentined: wily or cunning
- Warped: distorted from truth
- Antithesis: opposition, contrast
- Premonition: a feeling of anxiety
- Glorious: delightful; wonderful
- Ration: to restrict consumption
- Disqualifaction: kicked out
- Elegant: tastfully fine or luxurious
- Acquittal: discharge or settlement
- Loathsome: disgusting; revolting; repulsive
- Recoiling: draw back; start again
- Bulbous: having or growing from bulbs
- Rogue: a dishonest person
- Spectacle: anything presented to the sight or view
- Tormentor: a person or thing that torments
- Colossal: great in size; extent; degree
- Gargantuan: enormous
- Humiliation: that state of feeling humilitated; mortified
- Conceded: to awknowledge as truth
- Treason: the betrayal of trust
All word definitions taken from: http://dictionary.reference.com